Of the patients with a positive fecal occult blood test, 26% were found upon colonoscopy to have advanced adenoma, and9% were found to have colorectal cancer. 粪便潜血试验阳性者中,26%经过直肠镜证实患有末期肿瘤,9%发现出大肠直肠癌;
Within the last year, have you had a fecal occult blood test ( FOBT) or a fecal immunochemical test ( FIT)? 过去一年内,是否曾接受过大便隐血测试或大便免疫化学测试?
Fecal Occult Blood test Every year to detect hidden blood in the stool, a possible sign of colon cancer. 粪便潜血检验每年一次,以检查粪便中是否潜血,粪便潜血是结肠癌的可能徵兆。
In contrast, of patients with a negative fecal occult blood test, 2% had advanced adenoma, and none had colorectal cancer. 相对的,粪便潜血试验阴性者中,2%患有末期肿瘤,无大肠直肠癌案例;
Application of sequential fecal occult blood test in consecutive screening of colorectal carcinoma for natural population 序贯粪隐血试验在自然人群连续性大肠癌普查中的应用
Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of fecal occult blood test ( FOBT) in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. 目的:通过分析粪便隐血在结直肠癌发生、发展中的规律,进而评判粪便隐血试验在结直肠癌诊断中的临床意义。
A Follow-up Study on the Complementary Scheme by Combining SPA Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test and T-antigen Detection of Rectal Mucus for Screening of Colorectal Cancer in an Asymptomatic Population SPA免疫便潜血试验和直肠粘液T抗原试验互补普查大肠癌及其随访
To investigate the efficiency of fecal tumor M2 pyruvate kinase ( tumor M2-PK) combined with immunochemical fecal occult blood test ( IFOBT) for detecting colorectal cancer ( CRC). 目的探讨粪便中肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶(tumorM2-PK)联合潜血试验检测结直肠癌的临床意义。
Objective The comparison of testing fecal occult blood by One step test and Benzidine test. 目的单克隆抗体一步法与联苯胺法测定粪便隐血的方法学比较。
Clinical significance of fecal occult blood test in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer 粪便隐血试验对结直肠癌诊断的临床意义
Evaluation of Fecal Tumor M2 Pyruvate Kinase Combined with Fecal Occult Blood Test as A Detecting Tool for Colorectal Cancer 粪便中肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶联合潜血试验检测结直肠癌的效率分析
Of them 986 cases ( 12. 9%) were positive for fecal occult blood by routine test and 108 ( 1.4%) were positive by immune reaction test ( with sheep anti-human hemoglobulin antibody developed in our hospital). 7603例受检者中试纸法粪便隐血试验的阳性率为12.9%(986例),应用我院自制的羊抗人血红蛋白抗体进行免疫法复检的阳性率仅为1.4%(108例)。
Elimination of zone phenomenon in immunological fecal occult blood test of spa for colorectal cancer screening 大肠癌普查筛检指标SPA免疫便潜血试验带现象消除的研究
A comparison of the immunochemical fecal occult blood test and total colonoscopy in the asymptomatic population 对无症状患者进行免疫化学大便隐血试验和全结肠镜检查的比较
Evaluation of immunochemical and chemical methods of fecal occult blood test as a screening for colorectal diseases in elderly people 免疫学法与化学法大便潜血试验对老年人大肠病变筛选的价值
Objective To compare the values of a screening methods by OC-Hemodia and chemical fecal occult blood test ( COB) for colorectal cancer in elderly people. 目的比较免疫学OChemodia法抗人血红蛋白单克隆抗体大便潜血试验与化学法大便潜血试验对老年人大肠病变筛选的价值。
But the traditional detection methods, such as fecal occult blood test ( fecal occult blood testing, FOBT), colonoscopy and so there are serious drawbacks, leading to low early diagnosis rate of CRC. 而传统的检测方法,如粪便潜血检查(fecaloccultbloodtesting,FOBT)、肠镜检查等都存在各自的缺陷,导致CRC的早期诊断率并不高。